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Melanie Delgado



My paintings have many layers. Typically they start with chaotic movements, sometimes drawn with my eyes closed. The layers begin to evolve as the paint is applied, scraped off, reapplied and moved until it feels just right. I work on multiple pieces at a time, constantly exploring color combinations and levels of interest in a particular line or area of the work.  Although I work on multiple pieces they don’t necessarily relate or communicate with one another. Living in the woods of the Hudson Valley I am influenced by the sounds, sights and tastes of trees, dirt, critters and the deep history of the artists who came before me. I am interested in other mediums such as metal work, wood sculpture, and recycled installations. I continue to be drawn to ‘strange- thrown away objects’, the rust and its potential keeps me digging.


Melanie Delgado was born and raised in Morris County, NJ. She later spent several years living in Southern California. She is currently a full time Artist in Residence at the Byrdcliffe Art Colony in Woodstock, NY with her husband Marc Delgado and their dog Spike where she has been focusing on her abstract oil paintings.  Her home studio shared with birds, chipmunks and white moths was built in 1903. From spray paint to oil sticks, Melanie uses playfulness, a child-like vision and a heavy dose of street art to bring her voice to the canvas, door, window or piece of wood. Her background has been in the field of education ranging from high school to preschool. Art Camp (individual & small group art sessions) developed at her home studio this past summer with children from the local community. Melanie started instructing at the Woodstock School of Art this past year, the course is for young artists ages 12+. Delgado is curious about the stories behind the dilapidated fence, the overgrown pines and what comes next.

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16 Warburton Ave Yonkers, NY 10701

US+U is a proud CDBG Recipient and is grateful to Mayor Mike Spano and the

City of Yonkers for their support. 

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