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the Secret Language of Objects

March 13th - May 1st
*Extended thru June 4th

Featured Artists: Anna Ambrose, Israel Acosta, Shahaan Azeem,

Haifa Bint-Kadi, Demetrio Belenky, Tara Blackwell, David Boyajian, Henry Burgos, Amanda Caldwell, Stephanie DeManuelle,

Mario Diaz, Ramiro Dominguez, Aljoscha Farassat, Karen Gentile,

Kathleen Granados, Bill Hall, Miriam Hendel, Amanda Ioco,

Tali Rose Krupkin, Hodaya Louis, Mike McManus, Raisa Nosova, Android Oi, Richard Pitts, Cristina Razzano, Lidija Ristic,

Michael Shannon, Maria Luisa Tamara DeSantis, Valerie Spalek, Tommy the Animator & Joel Werring


Open Studios:
Haifa Bint-Kadi, Artist in Residence
Alexandra Momin, Resident Artist


*Artwork image: Cristina Razzano
Untitled, 14"x14" Shark Jaw, Piano Pieces, Found Beach Rope, etc.

US+U/Warburton Galerie is pleased to announce the opening of our new exhibition, the Secret Language of Objects. A reception will be held from 6:00-9:00pm on Saturday March 13, 2021.

In this exhibition the viewer is asked to contemplate the ways in which artists communicate via their work- subjects they choose, the medium, the physicality of process. All signifiers, sending unsaid messages and stories.

When a painter chooses an object to focus on, through the meditative process of painting it can become more than itself- a stand in for something else. It's as if the object isn’t an apple or a flower anymore. There is an invested meaning the artist wants it to carry. Utilitarian objects move from their practical environment and into another space. We ponder this as we look at Joel Werring's series of 14 individual still life paintings, depicting a single object in each.

Works like Shahaan Azeem’s With Liberty and Justice for All?, Android Oi’s The Act, The Means, The Purpose. Both capture different moments of human experience/emotion, there is a directness in their statement and we feel their impact. Unspoken communication, without words, a message is still translated.

Hung dangling from the ceiling, the grouping of individual large scale knitted teeth titled Permanent Record by artist Kathleen Granados, prompts us to consider both the symbolism of the object as much as the means by which the artist brings this image into being.

An abstraction from life or an abstraction made intuitively in response to one’s materials, the performative action of mark making, mimicking, borrowing, appropriating and juxtaposing from pop culture. The ability to speak in volume without saying a single word out loud-this is the secret language of artists and the objects they choose to make.

© 2024 Urban Studio Unbound

Site Design amanda ioco 2024

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16 Warburton Ave Yonkers, NY 10701

US+U is a proud CDBG Recipient and is grateful to Mayor Mike Spano and the

City of Yonkers for their support. 

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